As time goes on, things change. Your smile is no different. Lifestyle factors like drinking red wine, smoking, or grinding your teeth can all have an affect on your grin and can add years to your appearance. Even old dental work can cause you to look older than you really are. At our dental offices in Manassas, Reston, and Gainesville we hear these concerns from patients often, and we’re always happy to help provide solutions to boost both confidence and health.
Gum recession can be caused by a number of things like brushing too hard, grinding your teeth, or gum disease. When gums recede, more of the teeth show and they appear longer. Unfortunately, we subconsciously assume those with longer teeth are older. This is where we got the phrase ‘long in the tooth.’ There are various options available to treat gum recession and reduce how much of the teeth are visible. Talk with your Northern Virginia dentist to determine which is right for you.
Perhaps the most common concern among patients is how to get a brighter, whiter smile for a more confident, youthful look. The appropriate treatment depends on the type and level of staining. In some cases, a professional in-office whitening will get the desired result. In other situations, veneers or replacing old, metal dental work with tooth-colored options may be recommended.
When you think of a crooked grin, you may immediately think of teenagers in metal braces. But the reality is, it’s extremely common for adults to experience shifting in their smile. It’s natural, even if they did have braces. Some of the ways to can help straighten adult teeth is through dental veneers, traditional braces, or with clear orthodontics. The right solution is unique to your specific needs.
As we grow older, our enamel tends to weaken and the chance of chips or cracks increases. But thanks to advancements in dental technology, we’re able to repair this damage with tooth-colored restorations like porcelain inlays or onlays, veneers, or dental bonding. These treatments are long-lasting, virtually unnoticeable, and can even help whiten your smile.
No matter what your concerns may be, our Manassas, Reston, and Gainesville dental offices are here to help. We’ll work with you to identify your the best treatment to get you a smile that’s healthy and beautiful. Call us to schedule an appointment today.
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