As parents, sometimes when our offspring announce their intentions we can barely contain our horror, fear, or, perhaps less flatteringly, our unwillingness to accommodate phases that make extra work for us.
But if your teenager has decided to stop eating meat, don’t worry. According to the American Dietetic Association, a vegetarian diet can be safe for everyone. And there are documented health benefits like a reduced chance for high blood pressure and cancer. A vegetarian diet may even help your teen control his weight!
Wait up! It’s safe?
The unfortunate part of a vegetarian diet is how difficult it is to get foods rich enough in calcium and vitamin D to keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy. So if your teen is thinking about it, check in with your Manassas or Reston dentist next time you come by for a visit.
It might be a good idea to make sure your teen understands the various types of vegetarian eating. Here are a few definitions:
For all types of vegetarians getting enough calcium and vitamin D might be tricky!
Here are a few things to help your teen with (if he’ll let you):
Need more tips?
Come see us next time you’re near by and talk to us about how to help your teen protect his oral health while maintaining a vegetarian diet. Remind him that, while web research is an important starting place, it’s best to work in concert with his health professionals including us: his Manassas or Reston dentist, his general practitioner, and any specialists he sees to ensure a balanced vegetarian diet.
Accepting patients from Manassas, Reston, and Northern Virginia.