If you know anything about our iSmile dental offices across Reston, Manassas, Fairfax, Gainesville, and Herndon, we love not only being a part of the community – we love taking care of it even more (especially your smiles.)
That’s why we’re proud to have both sponsored and participated in the Reston Sprint Triathlon on June 2. Dr. Taimour Raja and our hygienist Nicole completed the entire triathlon, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to cheer them on for this extremely incredible charitable (and physical) effort.
The best thing about being a part of something like this is that all of the money raised, every portion of the proceeds, are donated to Cornerstones. This is one of Reston’s oldest, and Northern Virginia’s most successful non-profit organizations.
If you haven’t had the chance to check out Cornerstones and the services they provide, we highly recommend that you do. They offer a tremendous amount of generosity and much-needed support to people who are in need of food, shelter, affordable housing, quality childcare, and other essential human services that we tend to take for granted.
They’re firmly rooted in the Reston and “live, work, play, and serve, in the many other local communities that they serve. We’re proud to do just the same, whether it’s within the comfortable confines of one of our iSmile offices or participating in charity or community events to help others.
We’re happy to be part of the RST family! (Maybe next year you’ll join us?)