Emergencies of any kind can cause fear and discomfort. Dental emergencies are no different and can be particularly concerning. What exactly are you supposed to do if you experience a dental emergency such as a broken tooth, a knocked out tooth, or a painful toothache? The team at our Herndon dental office is here to give you some advice on how to handle some of the most common dental emergencies.
It’s important to note that any dental emergency, including injuries to the mouth, teeth, or gums, should be treated by a dentist in Herndon as quickly as possible. But if you can’t get to the dentist right away, there are some things you can do to help minimize discomfort and protect your tooth.
Chipped or Broken Tooth – Whether caused by a pesky popcorn kernel, sports injury, or grinding your teeth, a chipped or broken tooth may cause you to panic. Not to worry, there are many forms of cosmetic dentistry that can restore your tooth and smile. However, right after the injury happens, you may be in some pain or bleeding. The best thing to do is to rinse your mouth with warm water, apply gauze and a bit of pressure to help stop any bleeding, and use a cold compress to help reduce any swelling.
Knocked Out Tooth – Having a tooth knocked out can certainly be scary. If this happens, the first thing you should try to do is stay calm and remember the following tips:
Toothache – A toothache is usually the mouth’s way of telling us that something isn’t right, and it definitely shouldn’t be ignored. See your dentist as quickly as you can to increase the chance of easier and successful treatment. Prior to your appointment, you can ease the pain by using a cold compress or over-the-counter pain reliever.
We never want our patients to experience a dental emergency, but the truth is, they happen. If they do, we welcome you to call our dental office in Herndon. We’re here to help protect smiles and treat them if something happens. Call us today.
iSmile Dental Care has five dental offices throughout Northern Virginia, including in Manassas, Reston, Gainesville, Fairfax, and Herndon.